This is my desk in the English teacher office. There are ten English teachers for grade 2. I let my students call me "Ms Lea" and I put a little sign on the side of my desk:) The chair I am sitting on is very low in comparison to the desk, so I put some pillows on it...
"Napolen Bonaparte". Definitely a boy who wrote that one down. I want my students to choose an English name for my class and to put their names on a list... and even though there are some names i have never heard of (and i will probably never hear in any English speaking country), most of the ones they choose are alright :)
one girl told me that she did not want an English name because she did not like English. And so I asked her for her Chinese name which I could not pronounce correctly (you could tell because the students started to laugh when i tried...:) I think this was reason enough...As a name she chose "onion" (Zwiebel)...well, as long as she doesn't start to smell like one:P
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