On Sunday we went out for dinner to this restaurant and ordered some dishes, some just by pointing at the characters and looking at the pictures. At least one of us could read and speak Chinese. But also translating the name of the dish and seeing the pictures did not really help us to know what was actually in there. After we had ordered the waiter took one of these frogs out of the aquarium and we joked around about who just ordered frog. well...
As the non vegetarians tried the "meat" the noticed this froggy skin and pieces!
aaah!! We had that frog on our table!!!! chopped and cooked though, but it was that frog!!!
It was just so funny and unbelievable because, of course, we did not want this little (no, actually big) frog to be killed and eaten by us.

Duh, how could i miss this opportunity of a life time?!! :)
And it actually tasted really good! Of course, it was quite gross at first, but as soon as i got it in my mouth, I knew why french people sold (or sell) it as a delicacy.
The meat of the frog was very tender and it tasted a little like chicken and fish combined (well, I could be wrong because i do not eat chicken:)
But don't be afraid, I won't add it to my daily menu! I will still prefer to be a “Vegetarian", even though I made this one exception...lol :P
I hope no one of you got a heart attack.
Otherwise you should consult your doctor and avoid reading my blog! :)
bye bye,
My Dear!It´s unbelievable what you are telling about the little frog! Hast du jetzt schon einen Magen-Darm-Infekt? Speiübel wird mir schon vom Lesen...
AntwortenLöschenIch war heute joggen und wollte auch einen Frosch fangen, allerdings um unseren Teich etwas zu beleben...Machs gut und bleib beim Gemüse!
Hey Schwesterherz ich bin jetzt wieder aus London zurück und Mum hat mich gleich runter an den computer geschickt um deinen neusten Blogg zu lesen,....wuah! Aber ich seh schon wie schnell du dich mit der chinesischen Kultur anfreundest;)
AntwortenLöschenSag mal weißt du jetzt schon mit welchen Kinder du arbeiten wirst, oder wo deine Schule ist und so Sachen?
...tja mein Eis schmeckt jetzt nur noch halb so lecker,.... irgendwie schleimig:)
Ach ja und Leaherz, weißt du eigentlich deine adresse schon das man dir mal was schicken kann?
AntwortenLöschenYummy :)
AntwortenLöschenHab dich verlinkt: http://marleninhasp.blogspot.com/
Viel Spaß noch!